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Rust Pro


Unlock the secrets of survival in Rust with Infirrix pro, your ultimate cheat package designed to give you an edge over competitors. With an array of powerful features, including advanced aimbot capabilities and resource ESP, Detorus ensures that you not only gather essential materials effortlessly but also take down opponents with pinpoint accuracy. Experience full map awareness and dominate your adversaries in the ever-changing world of Rust. Don’t just survive—thrive! Invest in Infirix Pro today and transform your gameplay experience into one of unrivaled supremacy.


1 Day $8

7 Days $40

30 Days $90

Lifetime $349

Supported Systems
Windows 10 | Windows 11
Supported CPU
Intel | AMD
Game Client
Availablity USB

Psilent Draw FOV Hitchance(0-100%) FOV(0-1000) Always HEAD Random Hitbox Ignore Wounded Ignore Teammates Target Line(Color) HitBox(Head Cheast etc.)

Weapon Spam No Recoil Instant Eoka Force Automatic Rapid fire Force Automatic

EnableVisuals Corner Box Nickname Weapon Distance Skeletons Hotbar Sleepers ESP Distance(0-500) Crosshair NPC Player Chams Customize Color

Render Icons Stone ore(ColorPicker) Metal ore(ColorPicker) Sulfur ore(ColorPicker) Hemp(ColorPicker) Corpse(ColorPicker) Auto Turret(ColorPicker) Gun Trap(ColorPicker) Disel(ColorPicker) Bradley(ColorPicker) Minicopter(ColorPicker) Heli(ColorPicker) Pedal Bikes(ColorPicker) Motor Bikes(ColorPicker) HeliESPDistance(ColorPicker)

BrightNight sky Color Custom time No Shoot animation

Infinity Jump SpiderMan Menu Key

Silent Walk Instant Revive Speed hack(Incorrect work probably) Fast loot Aspect Ratio Interactive Debug(Incorrect work probably) Fake admin(Incorrect work probably)

Font Size Font Type(Incorrect work) Config(Save Load) Unload